The year of the first-ever SWISSMAN has started!

Countdown to June 22, 2013: T-23 weeks!

While time is running, we will introduce you every week to two athletes, which will be among the first to get challenged by the adventure of SWISSMAN.

We are proud to present you the first two athletes of the week:

SWISSMAN Xtreme Triathlon

Susanne Buckenlei
She has won Norseman three times in a row 2009, 2010 and 2011 and is the winner of the first CELTMAN! in 2012. Not surprising, but an honour for us, that she has been eager to try SWISSMAN since she found out about it! Only six weeks later she will compete in Norseman 2013!

Markus Stierli
With the adventure of his 2nd place at Norseman 2011 he escalated the enthusiasm for Xtreme Triathlons among his friends in a dimension, which let them create the project SWISSMAN together. In 2013 he will compete in both SWISSMAN and Norseman.

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