SWISSMAN says thank you!

SWISSMAN-CoreteamThe SWISSMAN Xtreme Triathlon Core Team (from left to right):
Sampo Lenzi: The Face of SWISSMAN
Beat Stadelmann: The General Manager of SWISSMAN
Katrin Stadelmann: The Voice of SWISSMAN
Stefan Knecht: The Race Director of SWISSMAN

Extremely warm thanks to the organizers of isklar Norseman Xtreme Triathlon and the CELTMAN! Extreme Scottish Triathlon. They supported us with their experience and friendship during the last year wherever they could. We are happy, proud and honoured to be the third member of the Xtreme Family and are looking forward to evolve our connections.

Many thanks go to our partners for their indispensable support and their belief in us and our dream of the SWISSMAN.

Dear athletes and supporters you were fantastic! We thank you very much for being part of the first-ever SWISSMAN Xtreme Triathlon and welcome you warmly as new members of the Xtreme Family.

Sampo is busy preparing a first album with impressions of the last weekend. A small selection of pictures will be ready for you this evening.


The SWISSMAN Core Team: Sampo Lenzi, Beat Stadelmann, Katrin Stadelmann, Stefan Knecht. The Members of the SWISSMAN Organizing Committee: Luca, Dominik, Erwin, Wulli, Pia, Toro, Urs and Toni. The 34 SWISSMAN Volunteers: Rachel, Silvana, Simone, Stephan, Sabine, Yonca, Jeanne, Sebastian, Virginia, Neil, Roli, Roman, Linda, Tobias, Ramona, Tanja, Doris, Armin, Anthony, Sybille, Stef, Elsbeth, Flavia, Susanne, Michaela, Angela, Martin, Walter, Kristofer, Cornelia, Claudio, Andi, Natalia and Natalia. The SWISSMAN Medical Team: Philipp and Dirk. The SWISSMAN Film Crew: Marc, Ray, Boyan, Chregi, Martin, Florian

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