Registration SWISSMAN 2013

We are very happy to announce the time window for the registration to SWISSMAN 2013!

Since we launched our website on Sunday, we have been overrun by the interest in SWISSMAN and we are very happy about your enthusiasm to participate!

Registration for SWISSMAN 2013 will open on Sunday, 18th of November at 18 o’clock and close one week later on Sunday, 25th of November at midnight (Swiss time).

The first-ever SWISSMAN will be a special edition with a very limited number of 50 slots. To assure equal opportunities for everyone to be part of it, 40 slots will be distributed by a lottery among all applicants. The other 10 slots are distributed among special athletes.

The reason for the strong limitation of participants for SWISSMAN 2013 is to give us the necessary experience to assure that we can set the stage ideally to start SWISSMAN 2014 with a total of 250 participants.

The entry fee for SWISSMAN 2013 is CHF 500. Winners will be asked to transcribe the entry fee within a week to confirm their participation.

Equal to Norseman, a personal supporter is mandatory for a start at SWISSMAN. More detailed information about the special edition SWISSMAN 2013 will be available next week, before entries open.

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